Familia y Amigos:
I hope you are all well! I hope you are not worried about the bugs and such, we got it under control this week and we are sleeping very well these days!
We had the wonderful opportunity to meet and to listen to Elder Cook, of the Twelve Apostles this week. He is a lot taller than I thought he was, however, it was really great to listen to him and receive revelation from him. He made us some cool promises. I wish I could send you my notes, but they are in Spanish! I'll see if I can translate them this week and send them off. I learned some cool things. Really cool things. There were butterflies in my stomach when I shook his hand, it was a cool experience. His wife is the sweetest little old lady, too! She was a lot of fun to listen to.
We were able to bring one person to church. If you can keep her in your prayers, it would be much appreciated. Her name is Alma, and her dad is a member (very inactive), but she loved going to church! We are hoping to help the rest of her family to go this Sunday.
I love you all!
I just wrote a letter to this lovely boy earlier today! Too bad I didn't check the blog BEFORE! Oh well, guess I'll just have to write him again soon. :)